
Photovoltaics in France and Europe

Today, solar energy represents 3.7% of electricity production in the European Union. This figure is increasing every year. And this development of actions in favor of photovoltaic energy shows a real interest on the part of local institutions as economic actors. They understood that they had a vital role to play in terms of energy transition and the fight against global warming. Whether in very large metropolises as in small.

Supports & guidelines

In France, the development of large installations helps to lower prices. This is the reason why it is now encouraged by the public authorities. For example, investment costs would have decreased by 32% over the last three years for medium and large power sites.
Also, a new European directive requires that any new construction put in place after January 1, 2020 is a positive energy, that is to say that it produces more energy than it consumes.

France is on the podium

France is in third place in the most dynamic European countries in terms of photovoltaics, behind Germany and the Netherlands, the latter having still installed at their home 1.4 GW of panels last year !

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