The global health crisis that we are going through is disrupting many sectors of activity. The agricultural sectors have been severely impacted since the distribution channels (restaurants, canteens, communities, etc.) have been severely restricted. Did you know that the use of photovoltaic panels can be an additional income, in addition to saving you money?
Photovoltaics and agriculture, a prolific association!
For optimal performance, photovoltaic panels require space and light … What could be better then a farm to produce a quantity of renewable and green energy? Solar panels can be installed on the roofs of agricultural buildings, greenhouses, etc. Since 2007, Libre Énergie has been helping farmers and businesses to produce their own energy. After having validated the consumption, the structure of the building and the electrical architecture of the site, we offer you a “turnkey” photovoltaic solar solution using components selected by us.

There are 3 ways to harness the energy produced by your photovoltaic panels:
Self-consumption with sale of surplus
L’autoconsommation avec vente de surplus peut être la solution idéale si vos besoins en électricité sont conséquents. Et permettre par exemple de fournir l’électricité nécessaire aux robots de traite, tanks à lait très énergivores. Idem pour les aviculteurs qui consomment beaucoup d’énergie pour la ventilation des poulaillers et les chaînes d’aliments. Vos panneaux solaires alimentent directement vos appareils et équipements, vous sollicitez ainsi moins le réseau public. L’autoconsommation permet de réaliser des économies et de faire baisser le montant de votre facture d’électricité.
Sale of all of your electricity
You can also opt to sell all of your electricity production if your energy needs are low. This can be the case if you have a hangar or a building reserved for storage for example. Thus, the energy produced by your solar panels is injected into the public network and is purchased by EDF OA (Obligation to Purchase). The price is regulated, guaranteed for 20 years. The sale in full therefore allows you to have additional income, the amount of which will depend on the power of your solar installation.
Roof rental
Roof rental is the last possible option if you live in the South of France (subject to eligibility), in relation to sunshine. The principle is that a “third party investor” can install and operate a photovoltaic power plant on your roof, in exchange for the payment of an annual rent. This solution requires a large operating area, at least 5000m² for the part most exposed to the south. The advantage is that you do not pay anything for the installation of solar panels, it is the “third party investor” who takes care of the construction, connection and maintenance. This may be the ad hoc solution if you want to have your roof redone at a lower cost.
Chaque exploitation agricole ou maraîchère est différente et nécessite un accompagnement personnalisé. C’est pourquoi chez Libre Energie, nous avons mis en place une démarche complète, qui va du design du projet, la prise en charge des démarches administratives, jusqu’à sa réalisation complète, en prenant en compte vos besoins énergétiques et financiers. Bien sûr, nous assurons la maintenance et le SAV de l’installation et nous restons à votre écoute à la moindre interrogation. Si le photovoltaïque agricole vous intéresse, nous pouvons convenir d’un rendez-vous par téléphone ou contactez-nous via